Tuesday, June 1

the final countdown

I am obviously not very good at keeping up with this blog. I think I feel that I never really have anything interesting to write about, but then again interesting things are always happening.

In the last two months I have been absent, I have:

♥ Gone back to work: crazy I know. I am just towards the end of my pregnancy and I decided to go back to work now? Well, it was more like needed to go back to work so Jordan and I could move out of his Mom's house before this baby comes! I had a job the first couple months of pregnancy, and then we moved to Jord's Mom's house. I half-heartedly looked for a job and then really just gave up trying. I didn't really want to work. But the more pregnant I got, it became apparent that I needed to get some kind of a job, to contribute an income to our savings for Baby Kyra. I got my old job back in Logan, where I had worked for about 8 months last year before moving to Salt Lake.

♥ MOVED to Logan: after working for a couple of weeks, Jord and I were able to afford a small apartment by the university. We packed up our stuff and moved from Garland to Logan. Summer rent is pretty cheap in Logan so we chose the perfect time to move out! We practically have the whole summer's rent paid off already and it is only June!

♥ Now in my last month of pregnancy: WOOHOO! I am usually not too much of a complainer, but I definitely have kicked it up a few notches these last few weeks. My feet are swollen, Baby Kyra is bigger now and I can feel her every kick, still not sleeping well, and I am so heavy that walking is a pain! On the brighter side of things, I have another baby shower coming up this Saturday. And I cannot even express how EXCITED I am for Baby Kyra to get here! I thought I was impatient before, but nothing compares to these last few weeks. Even though the doctor gives you a due date, babies will come whenever they feel. I wonder everyday if I will go into labor at anytime or if I will have to be induced. I want the excitement of my water breaking and us jumping in the car and racing to the hospital. But it would be nice to be induced, and know ahead of time, what day she will be here so we can be prepared. However it happens, I hope it is SOON!

35 weeks. She is going to be a BIG baby!

We ♥ her already!

Boy + Girl = Baby

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